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Mentors Program


Puerto Rico has had a unitary educational system since its creation. The new organizational structure that was approved in 2018 presented a cultural challenge, with a vision of transformation. As part of Law #85 Education Reform; Regional Superintendents were assigned to the seven Regional Educational Offices (ORE) that result from the new structure. From this point, the ORE’s oversee the providing of services and acquire responsibilities that were previously handled by the Central Office.

The mentoring program is focused in providing the skills to the individuals that currently are responsible of managing and administrating the new regional educational offices; this, throughout the transfer of knowledge. Mentors are donated by PREF to the Puerto Rico Department of Education.

These professionals are experienced in the structure that is currently being implemented in the island for the education agency. With this approach, Regional Superintendents are provided with strategies and capacity building to comply with their roles described in the Reform Law of March 29th, 2018.

The goal for the Mentor’s Program is to contribute to the transformation of the education system of Puerto Rico into a high-quality one; providing equal opportunities for every student. Also, to serve as a catalytic agent for the new economic development locally and globally.



• Administrative transformation

Support the transformation of the administration in each of the Seven Regional Offices (ORE), by providing capacity to accelerate processes and minimize bureaucracy.

• Support to Regional Superintendents

Provide support to Regional Superintendents in their performance and decentralization process including budget, quality and problem solution management.

• Improve Practices for Teaching

Improve the quality of best practices for teaching and transform the way the students are involved in the learning process by focusing in the application of knowledge and creation of solutions to real world problems.

• Improve student performance

Improve the quality of academic programs that are available for students by focusing in the arts and strategies that can result in student performance improvement.

Camino Hacia la META

Puerto Rico Education Foundation and Delivery Associates initiated a “Deep Dive” Pilot Project called Camino Hacia la META in the Educational Region of Bayamón. This initiative resulted from a collaboration between the PRDE Agency, the Regional Superintendent, her team of leaders and PREF. Camino Hacia la META is an Educational Research based on the quantitative analysis of META-PR (Standardized Testing in Puerto Rico), combined with exploring and implementation of best practices for instruction. The pilot project impacted the subjects with lower proficiency in the Region; Spanish and Math respectively.  

Both areas were selected for the pilot project for 3rd and 5th grade in Spanish and Mathematics respectively among the seven participating schools. This initiative combined professional development in data literacy, data-based decisions and classroom best practices to close gaps between the instruction process and student performance. As part of the project, teachers experienced the dynamics of “Walk-ins”, “Walk-throughs” and ultimately online and differentiated instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. The project yielded positive improvement and engagement from teachers, students and parents. 


EDUFacts is a web-based platform, designed to meet the needs of each public school in Puerto Rico. Each profile represents the school and the resources they need to continue their pathways and achieve their educational goals.

The website allows the school to broaden their scope of reach, providing information of their current status and needs to local, national and international donors and funders dedicated to education that find a match between the school’s needs and the organization’s mission. PREF serves as a facilitator for these donors by purchasing and delivering these resources to the schools.

Levanta tu Escuela

Levanta tu Escuela is a program that allows PREF to make a direct impact in the schools. Mini Grants consist in helping school projects, professional development and infrastructure initiatives. This is one of PREF’s strategies that support student in teaching and learning processes, facilitating a positive culture and climate to the classroom or school.

Levanta tu Escuela is the first program developed by PREF to help schools finance Project Based Learning products.

PREF Levanta tu Escuela it’s held annually. Schools interested in participating can send their proposal to